"The Original Platform of System Philosophy"

LIFE AND MIND (paperback and eBook)

Publisher : PGL BOOKS

Language : ENGLISH

Book Size : 5.50 X 8.50 inch

ISBN (Paperback): 9781543704211



Pages : 174

ISBN (eBook): 9781543704204

Short description
The present book, considering the key question about the origin of life and mind, suggests an innovative thesis of philosophy of biological science, which is an uncharted area so far. System Philosophy logically shows that things exist by the union of opposites. Treating genetic code (information) as non-physical is the vital step to reach
the new philosophy about biology. Importantly, life is a system formed by the opposite entities called macromolecule (mainly DNA) and information. This leads to the new System Model of Life and Evolution, which synthesizes the opposite views of science and religion.

The materialist theory of evolution advanced by Charles Darwin is modified in this book radically. Also it would equip us to tackle the problem of missing links in an ingenious way. The age-old problems of mind-body dualism and self-consciousness are solved here through the system model of mind. Also the analysis is extended to develop
The System Philosophy of Religion, which effectively provides a new thesis about God. The present book is written in a pedagogic style, by explaining all concepts in a basic manner making use of suitable Tables and Diagrams. So the book would serve as text as well as reference for all inquisitive readers.



Chapter 1 – Key Ideas from Previous Book
 1.1.  The Framework of Physical Science
 1.2.  Dilemmas about the Origin of Universe
 1.3.  Philosophy of Science and its Failure
 1.4.  Vision of System philosophy of Science

Chapter 2 – System Philosophy of Life
 2.1.  The Puzzle of Life
 2.2.  Modern Biology
 2.3.  Criticism on Computer Model of Life
 2.4.  System Philosophy of Life

Chapter 3 – System Philosophy of Evolution
 3.1.  Organic and Mechanistic Worldviews
 3.2.  Spiritual Process View of Evolution
 3.3.  Physical Process View : Darwinism
 3.4.  Fallacy of Intelligent Designer Argument
 3.5.  The System Model of Biological Evolution

Chapter 4 – System Philosophy of Mind
 4.1.  Human mind and nervous system
 4.2.  Conflicting philosophical views about human mind
 4.3.  System Philosophy of Mind
o 4.3.1.  Structure of human mind: The system model
o 4.3.2.  Solution of body-mind dualism
o 4.3.3.  What is consciousness?

Chapter 5 – System Philosophy of God and Evil
 5.1.  Anatomy of a crisis
 5.2.  Religion is a social system
 5.3.  God and Soul are Mystical Concepts
 5.4.  Justification of Religious Knowledge: Does God Exist?

Chapter 6 – Science- Religion Synthesis
 6.1.  Atheism is a delusion
 6.2.  Synthesis of Science and Religion