"The Original Platform of System Philosophy"

DISCOVERY OF REALITY (paperback and eBook)

Publisher : PGL BOOKS

Language : ENGLISH

Book Size : 5.50 X 8.50 inch

ISBN (Paperback): 9781543704525



Pages : 218

ISBN (eBook): 9781543704518

Short description

What is the reality or fundamental stuff of the universe? With the regards to this age old question, in Western philosophy, there are six worldviews under the main group called organic worldview, spiritual process worldview, mechanistic worldview, and physical process worldview.  These worldviews would logically lead to seven theories of reality (Ultimate reality). This innovative framework can give the basic qualification of the entire range of diverse philosophical doctrines, including idealism, materialism, mysticism.

An intellectual and secular analysis of the separate streams of philosophy, -denoting them together as monistic philosophy- covers the major part of this book. Then for solving the above controversies this author discovers system philosophy with the key principle: Ultimate reality is the system of opposite forces called body consciousness, which are represented by x- axis and y-axis, respectively of coordinate geometry. Then reality is like a factory producing worldly things as systems of those opposite components.

The final part of this book establishes the existence of seven social system at the global level into which human life is divided. In this way we can reconcile the issues of knowledge and truth pertaining to various branches of natural science and social science as well as religion.



Chapter 1 – A Guide to the Levels of Knowledge
 1.1.  Definition of Knowledge and Its Classification
 1.2.  Organic Levels of Propositions
 1.3.  Approach to Theory of Knowledge

Chapter 2 – Functional Classification of Philosophy
 2.1.  Objectives of Philosophy
 2.2.  Ontology
 2.3.  Epistemology

Chapter 3 – Worldviews and Versions of Reality
 3.1.  Six Worldviews in Western Philosophy
 3.2.  Organic Worldview – OWV
 3.3.  Spiritual Process Worldview – SPWV
 3.4.  Mechanistic Worldview – MWV
 3.5.  Physical Process Worldview – PPWV
 3.6.  Seven Theories of Reality

Chapter 4 – – Western Philosophy – Key Doctrines of Great Philosophers
 4.1.  Plato’s Idealism
 4.2.  Idealism of Aristotle
 4.3.  Spiritual Process Philosophy
 4.4.  Theory of Knowledge – Rational Mysticism
 4.5.  Theory of Knowledge – Empirical Mysticism
 4.6.  Deism and Rationalism
 4.7.  Materialism and Empiricism
 4.8.  A Note on Eastern Philosophy

Chapter 5 – System Philosophy of Reality
 5.1.  Dilemmas about Reality
 5.2.  Three Levels of World as a System
 5.3.  System Model of Ultimate Reality

Chapter 6 – Seven Life Systems and Knowledge
 6.1.  Social world and Its Components
 6.2.  Existence of Seven Life Systems
 6.3.  System Model of Knowledge

Chapter 7 – Seven Life Systems and Knowledge
 7.1.  The Dilemmas about Scientific Truth
 7.2.  Issues about Religious Truth
 7.3.  System Philosophy of Truth